

face to face

spent most of the day out of the office yesterday - the day started bright and early (at some horribly insane hour) by taking shanna out for breakfast before she headed for pittsburgh to pick up her sister anna. i then took off with a few leaders and students to check out the camp where we're doing our end of summer retreat. it's been driving me crazy knowing we're running a retreat there without actually SEEING it face to face! it's amazing how God has wired us to EXPERIENCE things in person...words, websites, and even pictures don't give a true sense of's all about face to face interaction. i'm reading a book that pastor vince picked up for me, the be with factor, and the whole book takes that concept and applies it to student ministry - we can interact with people all the time in a whole lot of different ways...but if they're really gonna catch who we are it'll be when they're sitting right next to us, face to face. anyways, here's a few pics from the camp. it's right on lake ontario and the facilities are quite nice! i'm starting to get VERY excited...

1 comment:

Todd said...

you must be high type A to have to see a place before having a retreat there lol.