

random thoughts

haven't had the time to blog much lately...but here's some very random thoughts from life right now:
- as a ministry we are doing the 30 Hour Famine today and tomorrow. REALLY beginning to look forward to this event, the awareness that it raises to the issue of world hunger and our responsibility. maybe it's the youth pastor part of me right now, but i think i'm even more excited about the names on the list of those coming to this event - a number of teens we've either never met or have had very little contact with. still wondering what about giving up food for 30 straight hours is attractive to teenagers...
- just last night finished up a two week series called 'more than a glance' to help us get ready for the famine. powerful series. last Thursday Todd Bush came and spoke and really challenged us all in big ways - super practical, very fun, highly interactive, and immensely powerful!
- shanna and i were looking at the calendar the other day and realized that we have successfully stacked the last 5 weekends with ministry stuff, and the one before that we made the big move into the house. i'm thinking that might be a new definition of insanity...or stupidity.
- we are REALLY getting pumped for alaina & brendan's wedding...pumped because those are always fun times...but definitely pumped also because it's on the beach in florida. we're planning to extend the few days down there in may an extra couple days...and take the rest of the week off as a quiet vacation.
- easter's coming and i'm extremely excited. easter is one of those times when "not-really-into-church" kind of people are more likely to come. i love lakeshore because when people come to church there it doesn't really feel like "church"...which is good because many time the "feel" of church is kind of uncomfortable, and if we're honest we'd rather just go to the dentist. lakeshore doesn't feel like that...and i'm pumped that people will be able to connect with God in some new and refreshing ways!

ok gotta go...


just going through the motions

so God has been doing lots in my heart lately and to be honest it has messed me up in a number of ways. time for blogging has been scarce lately because the pace right now (admittedly unhealthy) has not allowed it. was just at the hospital visiting a friend who's really sick, and on the way home on the radio came the following song:

as i listened, i'm not sure exactly if the "connection" between the song and life right now is easily noticeable, but it reinforces a new cry in my heart that i feel God is developing. and God broke me with it. God is working on my heart to notice people for the first time all over notice people as people and love them because of the image of God inside them. i'm rediscovering a new heart and passion for lost people, and i think i'm starting to come to grips with the reality of the Christ-less eternity that so many will spend. i want hurt and pain to go away, and i long for the day when every tear is wiped away. but in a way i can't explain i so desperately don't want that day to come. not yet.
some of what i've been noticing lately:
- the friend i went to starbucks with a few weeks ago who desperately wants to believe but needs proof
- the time shared with a friend while eating a garbage plate and talking about the commitment involved in turning from sin and following God
- our new neighbors at the house who are so warm and friendly
- the girl at youth group last night who nearly broke into tears as we affirmed her and told her that she's beautiful in God's eyes and loved by us
- the uncertainty of hospital beds
- the incredible minority that i'm a part of...and our responsibility to the world's poorest as well as those down the street

i don't want to go through the motions anymore; i'm sick of cheap christianity and shallow faith...




from the lack of posts lately you'd grow to believe that we either gave up blogging, don't believe in it anymore, or lost our computer. but it actually isn't any of's just that life has been too busy to make it a priority. there's lots and lots to share and i can't wait to get some time to do it...but it's not now either. just wanted to let you know we are still here, but blogging has been placed on the back burner. cya soon...