


friday morning shanna and i hop on a plane for tampa, florida for about a week. it'll be shan's first time in the state and my first time since i was a kid, and we are SUPER excited to get away for some time off. on the same front, we are stoked to be able to celebrate with brendan & alaina as they get married on the beach. definitely gonna be an interesting experience. i'll be doing the wedding...and while alaina probably doesn't think this would be cool...i'm thinking how awesome it'd be if a big tidal wave came in during the ceremony! priceless. it'll be great no matter so so excited!

i'm a list's a disease actually, but it's how i function - even on vacation. so for the vacation part of this trip, here's what i hope to accomplish:

1. sit by the pool and look like i'm getting a tan
2. read just walk across the room by hybels
3. swim in the gulf of mexico
4. sleep a lot
5. watch some movies with shanna
6. read one of the cat who... books (fiction murder mysteries...i've been into them since i was a kid)
7. think about big picture / youth ministry "vision" stuff
8. sit by the pool some more and sleep
9. scope out the area and find a sweet cafe for late night coffee with shanna
10. spend some quality time with God & His Word every single day
11. stare at palm trees and think about their creator
11. lounge around on the beach
12. catch the 24 2-hour season finale (oh my)
13. feed a flamingo

what's cool about this vacation is that shanna and i have talked and we really have no interest in doing any sight seeing. kinda weird to be in a place that seems to have SO much all around it, but the thought of going and going just doesn't sound appealing to either of us at this point. i think we're just gonna lay around. i'm sure shan will post some pictures...cuz she's good like that (even if she doesn't actually SAY anything when she blogs).

1 comment:

Mark said...

I hope you and Shanna have a great time in Florida. That is kind of strange that you don't want to partake in all of the touristy stuff, but in a way I can understand that since it's not WHERE you are, it's WHO you're with. Hope that made sense. Anyway, have a super fun time and don't get eaten by any alligators!