

blogging from simply youth ministry conference

had a great first evening at the simply youth ministry conference here in chicago last night. SYM does so many things right with this conference, and it's been so encouraging, affirming, stretching, and stimulating already. so excited for today!

i usually don't do too many late nite options at conferences like these, but they have these "affinity groups" that have been intriguing. they're small group conversations happening all over the place at designated times that you can just jump in, but they're for people who fall into the same category... junior high ministry, senior high ministry, married to youth ministry, young adult ministry, burnt out in ministry, large church ministry, rural church ministry, etc.

last night i jumped into he large church ministry... not really sure what "large" means. one of the cool things right off the bat... nobody cares. there's just some dynamics that large churches face... whether it's 500.... or 25,000. the conversations were so stretching and i went away with lots to chew on. leadership development... sustaining structures of leadership, etc. so good.

gotta get in line now to get a good seat...


Mark said...

This event sounds like it's right up your alley. Have you had any time to explore the sights and sounds of Chicago? Is this your first time in the Windy City?

Cory said...

i've flown through the airports a couple times, and spent a weekend at an event at wheaton college... but no never really explored the city. we didn't get out of the hotel at all this time which was kinda nice. got some classic deep dish pizza tho :)