

social justice just a fad?

for a while now i've been observing the church's growing attention to social justice issues around the world. in the youth ministry realm it is getting more and more popular, and even in our church it seems to be getting more and more of our dollars and energy. and for a while now i've been wondering if it's just a fad that the church has jumped onto...a concept that looks trendy and in order to "be cool" you keep up. i know that there's a number of passages in the Bible that clearly call the church to feed the hungry, free the slaves, and clothe the naked, but i guess my question has been is it really as prominent on the heart of God as we make it? does it really deserve the amount of attention that we give it...or have we been slowly misguided from what matters more?

at the leadership summit a few weeks ago, i had an epiphany. probably a no-brainer for most...but it helped me work this all out in my head. hybels was talking about the fact that the church has lost respect in this world. and we all know that to be true: money scandals, sexual abuse (an inferiorating post for a differendy day), fake and plastic christianity, extreme commitment to tradition without commitment to Christ, rituals without meaning, etc. he went on "when we do something about the injustices around the's the one time the church gains respect again". maybe it's not a trend at all...maybe it's the very heart of God expressed through his people in this world...and that people naturally take notice because it's so radically different from our natural wiring. maybe the church doesn't do enough. maybe it's about simply doing our part, simply because we love God and we love people...


Unknown said...

Cory thanks for sharing this with us it has spoken to my heart! I feel really disconected from missions and it makes me think that maybe that's not totally true. We tithe, and our money goes towards over seas and local missionaries. we donate items and shoe boxes for chistmas and support a compassion child. I tend to forget about that because it's only once a year that we have our missions conference. Out of site out of mind I guess and that may sound bad. It also reminds me of the small day to day kindnesses that the lord has put in my heart. It is very important to help other countries as much as poss. we must also remember not to neglect our neighbors right next door, down the street and in our church. How amazing our LORD is! It is my prayer that this whole world be our mission feild! :) GOD BLESS you, Shanna, your church and all the things you're doing in his name!

Cory said...

hey megan - great to hear from you! i found this article that expounds a little bit more what i was talking about: