I've been working on our Christmas cards... not sure if they'll get out in time, but I'm going to make a valiant effort. :) I personally think we should do New Year's cards but that isn't a very popular idea in the Hunneyman House - so Christmas Cards it is. A lot of my extended family writes newsletters, but since we have a blog where people can stay up-to-date a newsletter seems silly. SOoooo - we have a fun spin on a newsletter, hopefully going out with the cards (hopefully! definitely hoping!)
Anyways - down to the good stuff! What am I thankful for???
- Kleenex (I can't figure out how to correctly make this plural... kleenexes? kleenexs? what is that rule?) for my stinkin' nose! (I'm not even going to try to be thankful for my nose today!)
- Photoshop... you'll find out why when you open your Christmas Card. (I'm giving away too many hints, I know!)
- Snow... because it covers up all that is brown and dead and sad.
- Clean Cars and yankee candle Car Jars!
- Mail carriers - because they bring me awesome Christmas cards and pictures and fun packages filled with cinnamon bread and HUGE chocolate chip cookies and new contacts (not in the same package!) Some days I feel like I'm stalking him - staring out my window waiting to see what fun things he'll bring me today! C'mon - you know that adrenaline rush when you're pulling out your letters! Not to mention the serious, chocolate craving, tear-inducing disappointment when all that is in your mailbox are stupid car insurance circulars and bills. UGH!
What are you thankful for today???
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