going dark
from now until we return home from vacation on january 3rd, i will be enjoying a 10 day fast from my usual online diet in order to truly detach and create space for God to invade and refresh my soul. i've set up a somewhat regimented set of guidelines because i know how hard it is for me to really 'get away', and by posting these guidelines here, it should help.
1. no checking, skimming, scanning, peeking at, or reading email
2. no facebook or myspace
3. no twitter or blog posting
4. no visiting the church's website
i'm a pretty goal-oriented person, and while i want this vacation to be free from goals (and the subsequent guilt of missing those goals), i have a few jotted down to help guide SOME of my time:
1. lots of time in silence and contemplation
2. a couple mornings alone with God on the beach
3. reading lots of the new testament (not sure where yet...i'm feeling hungry for romans thru colossians)
4. journaling...totally and only when i feel like it
5. reading blue like jazz by donald miller, the be with factor by bo boshers & judson poling, and experiencing leadershift by don cousins (i have a tendancy to bring a whole library of books on vacation and read none of them, and this time i'm sticking to these three)
6. go golfing (there's a sweet course right next to the house we're staying at)
cya next year!
1. no checking, skimming, scanning, peeking at, or reading email
2. no facebook or myspace
3. no twitter or blog posting
4. no visiting the church's website
i'm a pretty goal-oriented person, and while i want this vacation to be free from goals (and the subsequent guilt of missing those goals), i have a few jotted down to help guide SOME of my time:
1. lots of time in silence and contemplation
2. a couple mornings alone with God on the beach
3. reading lots of the new testament (not sure where yet...i'm feeling hungry for romans thru colossians)
4. journaling...totally and only when i feel like it
5. reading blue like jazz by donald miller, the be with factor by bo boshers & judson poling, and experiencing leadershift by don cousins (i have a tendancy to bring a whole library of books on vacation and read none of them, and this time i'm sticking to these three)
6. go golfing (there's a sweet course right next to the house we're staying at)
cya next year!
fun in snow
after reading this article this morning, i've been a little distracted from work and been thinking about snow... (ht to stephanie)

elf yourself
we made this video at elfyourself.com and showed it thursday night at ISM. fun stuff :)
twas the week before christmas...
...and i still have yet to START my shopping (well that's not actually true - we've done pretty much all for friends and extended family members) but i have yet to buy a single thing for shanna. i don't know why i procrastinate this so much...but it's where i'm at right now. christmas time is so busy and hectic...managing schedules is almost enough to drive a person crazy. but the news doesn't help either. i'm sure many have heard about the walmart employee that got killed by being trampled on his own store; also, just yesterday traffic was so backed up around eastview mall that people actually called 911 to come and help out...and the news had to remind us all that 911 is to be used for emergency purposes only. insane.
what's even more insane is how my own attitude flairs up when i'm driving more than any other time. just yesterday shanna and i were searching for a parking spot and i flipped out at about 15 people...good people...people i'm sure i would like and enjoy to be around...but i lost my cool and got a nice friendly "reminder" from shanna of a growth point in my life. :)
looking at the week ahead, shanna and i are heading to pittsburgh wednesday evening to be with the coiners for christmas - and we're super excited as this will be the first time we've actually spent christmas day with them since we've been married. looking forward to reconnecting and celebrating with them. then, we'll be heading off to the outer banks in north carolina for a full week of vacation and complete detachment from ministry (and snow). i can't wait to experience God's soul refueling during this christmas season.
what's even more insane is how my own attitude flairs up when i'm driving more than any other time. just yesterday shanna and i were searching for a parking spot and i flipped out at about 15 people...good people...people i'm sure i would like and enjoy to be around...but i lost my cool and got a nice friendly "reminder" from shanna of a growth point in my life. :)
looking at the week ahead, shanna and i are heading to pittsburgh wednesday evening to be with the coiners for christmas - and we're super excited as this will be the first time we've actually spent christmas day with them since we've been married. looking forward to reconnecting and celebrating with them. then, we'll be heading off to the outer banks in north carolina for a full week of vacation and complete detachment from ministry (and snow). i can't wait to experience God's soul refueling during this christmas season.
Thankful Thursday
Wooeee... Today is our ISM Christmas Party and our music team is leading worship for the adults. Yay! I'm so excited. We'll also be playing eggnog bob, plus having a fruit cake eating contest... not to mention my fav - Rockin' around the Christmas Tree musical chairs-style.
Speaking of Christmas Trees - check out this site about weird and crazy Christmas Trees! Or this site about a Mountain Dew Christmas Tree!
I've been working on our Christmas cards... not sure if they'll get out in time, but I'm going to make a valiant effort. :) I personally think we should do New Year's cards but that isn't a very popular idea in the Hunneyman House - so Christmas Cards it is. A lot of my extended family writes newsletters, but since we have a blog where people can stay up-to-date a newsletter seems silly. SOoooo - we have a fun spin on a newsletter, hopefully going out with the cards (hopefully! definitely hoping!)
Anyways - down to the good stuff! What am I thankful for???

I've been working on our Christmas cards... not sure if they'll get out in time, but I'm going to make a valiant effort. :) I personally think we should do New Year's cards but that isn't a very popular idea in the Hunneyman House - so Christmas Cards it is. A lot of my extended family writes newsletters, but since we have a blog where people can stay up-to-date a newsletter seems silly. SOoooo - we have a fun spin on a newsletter, hopefully going out with the cards (hopefully! definitely hoping!)
Anyways - down to the good stuff! What am I thankful for???
- Kleenex (I can't figure out how to correctly make this plural... kleenexes? kleenexs? what is that rule?) for my stinkin' nose! (I'm not even going to try to be thankful for my nose today!)
- Photoshop... you'll find out why when you open your Christmas Card. (I'm giving away too many hints, I know!)
- Snow... because it covers up all that is brown and dead and sad.
- Clean Cars and yankee candle Car Jars!
- Mail carriers - because they bring me awesome Christmas cards and pictures and fun packages filled with cinnamon bread and HUGE chocolate chip cookies and new contacts (not in the same package!) Some days I feel like I'm stalking him - staring out my window waiting to see what fun things he'll bring me today! C'mon - you know that adrenaline rush when you're pulling out your letters! Not to mention the serious, chocolate craving, tear-inducing disappointment when all that is in your mailbox are stupid car insurance circulars and bills. UGH!
What are you thankful for today???
Thankful Thursday...
Okay, so a lot of blogs out there in webworld attach a certain something to days of the weeks. i.e. Wordless Wednesday or Not Me! Monday. And since I so easily forget the many blessings that God showers down on me... and I LOVE this idea... I thought I'd put it out there for everyone to see and for my heart to be a more thankful one. So - here comes Thankful Thursday!
Today I am thankful for...
Today I am thankful for...
- Music, especially Christmas music. And my radio that plays music ALL DAY LONG!
- My apartment - especially today, because it is clean! But, also because it is warm and safe and everything works... and when it doesn't we just call someone to fix it. or when we lock ourselves out, we call someone and they unlock our door... (but we definitely DON'T know that from experience! No way! Not us!)
- Cory - because he's my "hero" - he's not perfect (just like me) but he works hard to grow and love and learn. And he challenges and encourages me every day.
- For the specific set of skills & talents God has given me. And for my unique personality. I struggle with these 2 a lot. Too often, I want to be different than who I am. But, God fashioned me out of love and with a role that He wants ME to fulfill. So - I'm working to be thankful for who I am and to be able to live my life with passion and confidence.
- Ghiradelli Extra Chocolate Brownies... I don't think I need to explain that one! Yum!
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