

Clean House...

My house is clean!  It has been clean for 3 days now!!!  I know this sounds like a silly thing and really shouldn't it be clean all the time anyways?  haha.  I really wish it was.  But - I am a messy person.  Unfortunately, I've turned Cory into an occasionally messy person.  And life is so busy that this hasn't been a priority.  It hasn't really been a priority since we've moved in.  Last week was the busiest we've had in a really long time and things were really getting out of hand.  We didn't have clean clothes and I hadn't seen my kitchen counters (because of dirty dishes) for well...  a LONG time!  That was just the normal stuff.  We won't even get into the extra build-up.

Anyways - I love when we have people over because I finally get my butt in gear and clean!  And it always feels SO good.  Especially when I can just relax and enjoy the cleanness.  (It probably has something to do with those exercise-induced endorphins floating around my head.)

So - three cheers for a clean house!!!  


Mark said...

I don't like to clean, but once I'm cleaning I don't want to stop until the job is done and then I'm happy with how nice things appear.

Amy said...

Funny, the girl who had a "job" for how long cleaning my house admits to a messy one of her own - hmmmmmm????